Message from The President: Q3 2021

Pressing News,
Feedback is a Gift

Feedback is a gift, so for those of you who took a few minutes to complete the recent member survey, please consider this my thank you note. PIAG’s mission is to be an indispensable business partner to you, our members. You have given leadership new input on what’s working well and where there is opportunity for improvement.

The survey went out in June and generated a respectable 20% response rate. In a nutshell, we asked how you feel about PIAG’s performance and services. Those areas that scored high marks include the work of the Educational Foundation, our medical insurance plans, most of our business insurance offerings, the performance of Board and staff, and PIAG’s ability to take action at the state capitol as needed. Several of our high-profile events like imPRESS and the Foundation fundraisers are also appreciated. On the flip side, those areas that received a lower score include PIAG’s social media presence and several of our personal lines of insurance coverage.

We also asked about your biggest business challenges right now. The most common responses were tied to recovery after a difficult year-and-a-half and challenges on the labor and staffing front. This is of course understandable as we all continue to muddle through a stubborn pandemic. The PIAG Educational Foundation’s support of groups like SkillsUSA Georgia, as well as our Dillard Memorial Scholarships are helping to identify and train your future employees. We’re also exploring new ways the Foundation may be able to help attract fresh talent to the industry.

Overall, the survey strongly suggests that the membership still supports its community as 8 out of 10 respondents say they would recommend PIAG to a colleague.

I appreciate your feedback, and you have my commitment that this data will not sit on a shelf collecting dust. Your leadership has been briefed on the findings and is already using it to guide decisions for continuing to make PIAG your indispensable business partner.

I wish you all a safe and successful autumn.


Jon Krueger 
PIAG President & CEO