PIAG Educational Foundation

The PIAG Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization created by PIAG in 1985. Its purpose is to ensure a bright future for the graphic communications community by attracting and developing the next generation workforce and further a pipeline of talented workers for the industry. The Foundation aims to promote print as a smart solution by educating marketers and media buyers of the value of print in the media mix. Its mission is to advance the industry through three core educational strategies.

Our Three Purposes:

  • To sponsor, promote, or conduct educational programs for persons involved in or intend to be involved in the graphic communications industry.
  • To sponsor or promote educational programs conducted by related organizations or institutions for the benefit of individuals within or of the graphic communications industry.
  • To sponsor individuals in their quest to attain education or training for the purposes of entering or advancing in the graphic communications industry.

Contribute Today:

  • Donate Online
  • Mail your check to:
    PIAG Educational Foundation
    5020 Highlands Parkway
    Smyrna, GA 30082

The PIAG Educational Foundation is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and contributions are deductible as charitable contributions under the law.